Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
- Fluctuating recruiting volumes make it difficult for you to efficiently deploy your HR resources...
but you want to have sufficient capacities available at all times? - Hiring specialized active sourcing teams doesn't fit your HR organization...
and yet you don't want to do without highly specialized recruiting staff? - You want to bridge a time corridor until sufficient internal recruiting resources are available...
and at the same time make uncomplicated use of external help? - Certain vacancies cannot be filled by your traditional recruiting channels...
and you would like to incorporate new methods?
- As an outsourcing partner, we offer you the opportunity to...
to relieve your own resources and save costs - In advance, we discuss with you the depth of service in terms of content,...
the relevant recruitment volume and the duration of the RPO service - You book your customized "Recruiting as a Service"...
and remain flexible - Subsequently, we act as your outsourced active sourcing...
and recruiting unit
For our detailed offer in the area of RPO
and Recruiting as a Service please also visit:
Active Sourcing
Direct / Executive Search
Performance Recruiting
For candidates